Jansen Applications for Retrofitting: Schools - Health Care - Hospitality - Office Commercial - Institutional - Government - Industrial - Retail
VISS Facade
With the VISS system, Jansen offers a highly thermally insulated facade construction with a Passivhaus certificate for any application both in new buildings and refurbishments. The components from the modular system are selected to suit the structural requirements, size of panels and/or infill element thicknesses in order to achieve the best solution in terms of structure and cost.
Karel Du Jardinstraat NL-Amsterdam

CREDITS: Ambit Window systems Systems/products , Janisol Arte 66, VISS Facade, Janisol door, ZZDP Architecten BV, Amsterdam/NL, Metal construction . Merford Special Doors BV, Gorinchem/NL, 2019
Kongresshalle Leipzig, DE-Leipzig

CREDITS: Ambit Door systems - Facade systems, Systems/product, Janisol doors, Janisol Primo,, VISS F90 VISS
Architecture HPP Architekten GmbH, Düsseldorf/DE. 2016
LocHal NL-Tilburg

CREDITS: Ambit façade systems VISS façade Civic Architects, Amsterdam/NL Metal construction Façadis Gevelbouw, Oldenzaal/NL 2019
New Yorker Erfurt

CREDITS: Ambit Facade systems, Systems/products VISS, Architekturbüro Ballasus, Weimar/DE. 2016
Boschung Technology Center, CH-Payerne

Ambit facade systems, VISS High-performance structural profiles
Architecture Charriere Partenaires CH-Grange-Paccot. 2017
CE marking in accordance with product standard EN 13830
Coefficient of thermal transmittance Uf > 0.65 W/m2K
Airborne sound insulation Rw 47 db
Tightness against heavy rain class RE1200
Air permeability class AE
Resistance to wind load class 2 kN/m2
Impact resistance class E5/I5
Burglar resistance RC 2 to 3
Bullet resistance FB4/NS
Brochures & information Thermally insulated mullion-transom constructions (8 MB)
Certificate Passive House VISS HI (50 mm) (445 KB)
Certificate Passive House VISS HI (60 mm) (603 KB)
NOTE: The energy savings provided by the Jansen VISS systems may qualify commercial projects in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland and the District of Columbia to be eligible for tax advantaged 20 year financing. To discuss your project: