Fire Station Champerret, Paris, France
VISS Fire-Resistant Façades
For the sensitive area of fire protection, Jansen has developed the VISS Fire system – a modular façade construction for universal use. There are numerous options: VISS Fire EI30 Façade , VISS Fire Façade, VISS Fire roof glazing,
The system is suitable for vertical façades in all fire resistance classes for interior and exterior use (E30/60/90, EI30/60/90). All classes are also TRAV safety tested. VISS Fire has also been approved for use with Janisol 2 and Janisol C4 fire doors.
In all cases, contact us early in the design process, Our expertise can be your expertise.
Just The Facts
Tested in accordance with EN 1364
Fire protection classes E30 / E60 / E90 / EI30 / EI60 / EI90
Successfully TRAV safety tested (German technical regulations for safety barrier glazing)
Face width of 50 and 60 mm
Thermal transmittance of Uf > 1.2 W/m2K
Basic depths of 50 - 280 mm
Infill unit thicknesses of 5 - 70 mm
Prefabricated glazing suitable for safety barrier loading in accordance with DIN 18008-4 Category A and C22